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just a load of arguments they would have.

Readers pov:

All Gryffindors gathered around behind Hermione as all the fourth years and up had a free period. So did the slytherins as they gathered behind Draco.

"Notice how you think you know everything?" Draco asked with all the slytherin going 'oooooo'.

"All this shade thats being thrown, I wonder why?" Hermione said laughing, "You gonna tell your father? Oh shit. Sorry forgot hes in azkaban!"

Draco growled at her but didnt say anything back, he had lost.

Second Argument:

"Mioneeeee!" Draco whined sounding just like their little baby when he cries.

"Dracooooo? What?" Hermione asked as she sipped her coffee.

"It's your turn to change Scorpius! I changed him last time!" Draco stated in an obvious tone.

"But I changed him last time!" Hermione said getting annoyed.

"No I did!" Draco said making them bicker between themselves only stopping when they heard their little boy start to wail and cry.

"Lets do it together?" Hermione asked before getting a nod from Draco. They picked up the baby and put him in his changing table. Hermione quickly said the spell and he changed magically before Draco put him back in his bed.

"Being parents is hard." Draco said before they sat down on the sofa.

May add more silly arguments

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