pranks and the back seat

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Readers pov: 

"Okay Ginny so how am I going to do this?" Hermione said as they were both cramped into the toilet on the hogwarts express. 

"So you just have to flirt with him to get reactions out of everyone!" Ginny said laughing as she explained how Hermione is going to prank Malfoy. 

"Okay I got it!  You go and I'll be there in a few minutes I just need to adjust my outfit I I'm going to do this properly!" Hermione said smiling at her fiery best friend as Ginny left. It was seventh year and things were turning around since Voldemort got murdered by Harry in sixth year. Hermione unbuttoned her top two buttons and opened her robe, then she rolled her skirt up and loosened her tie. She smiled at herself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. All the rooms had been taken forcing Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Draco, Pansy and Theo to sit together in the last big room. 

Her heart started to pound and her palms started to sweat as she got closer to the compartment. As she got there she slid the door open to see everyone seated how they were before they left, Slytherins on one side and Gryffindors on the other. Nobody talked as they just stared at each other. 

"Draco." Hermione said captivating everyone's attention as she used his first name. 

"What do you want, Granger!" Draco said standing up as he rolled his eyes. Hermione desperately wanted to throw insults at him but held her tongue as she glanced at GInny. She touched his chest and moved closer to him as she looked up at him seductively. Everyone was extremely confused. 

"Grang-" Draco started but got cut off. 

"I'm going to give you all my love in the backseat of the carriages!" Hermione got out as she bit her lip.  Draco smirked realising what she was doing because he saw the look she gave Ginny. 

"Okay, darling." Draco said backing her against the now closed compartment door, "Gonna speed it down and slow it up in the back seat!" 

Hermione got caught off guard as she blushed but she managed to say, "Okay, draco!" 

"I like the sound of my name from your mouth, love," Draco said as he leant down and kissed her. She kissed him back before realising that she couldn't do this, it was just supposed to be a prank. Ginny laughed her head off before Hermione pulled away. 

"Stop!" Hermione said pushing Draco away. 

"Two can play that game, Granger. Nice try pranking me Granger and Weaslette!" Draco said laughing, his friends laughed with him. 

"How did you know?" Ginny asked rolling her eyes. 

"It was pretty obvious!" Draco said smirking at Hermione, "Granger, you enjoyed that kiss right?" 

"Shut up Malfoy!" Ron said about to punch him. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride back to Hogwarts. 

They went their separate ways when they reached Hogsmeade, getting into the carriages. Yet each friend group missing one person. Hermione and Draco.  

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