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Readers pov:

Hermione flipped her page in Hogwarts: A History, it was her favourite book of all time. She heard loud voices enter the Library and rolled her eyes. How disrespectful coming into a quiet place for people to relax and read a good book but they have to make loads of noise. She only looked up from her book when people started to shush them but they carried on, how reckless. She looked through the bookshelf to see Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson and Zabini.

"Thoughtless prats!" Hermione muttered under her breath going back to her book. She had heard the chatter getting louder as if it was getting nearer to her but she wasn't paying attention.

"Aw would you look at this? " Draco laughed walking over to Hermione his friends following close laughing, "A bookworm in her natural habit!"

"Good one mate!" Blaise laughed sitting in front of Hermione, Pansy and Theo sitting next to him. Draco slid his hands on the back of Hermiones chair brushing her back making her jump.

"Someones a little jumpy today!" Draco said smirking and laughing with his three friends.

"Leave me alone slytherins!" Hermione said in an angry yet hidden underneath a scared tone. Draco started to twiddle with her Hair and lowered his lips to her ear.

"No you're more fun!" Draco said so the slytherins could hear him, everyone in green uniform smirked. Hermione looked at her lap where her trembling hands lay before getting up. Draco put his hands on her shoulders pushing her down.

"I know you like me granger!" Draco huskily said it coming out in a low extremely sexy voice. Hermiones voice got stuck in her throat as she tried to talk it coming out as more of a moan as her eyes widened. The four slytherins laughed at that.

"Let me go Malfoy!" Hermione groaned feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Ok," Draco said shrugging his shoulder taking his hands off her should before shoving his mouth onto Hermiones. Hermiones eyes shot open as Draco's hands lay on her neck. She closed her eyes and kissed him back just as passionately.

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