spargant in caritate

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The title is latin for spell of love. Pretend Luna and Ginny are in 8th year. ALSO BEFORE I BEGIN THE CHAPTER I'D LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR 500 READSSSS!!!!

Readers pov:

"Minnie im telling you this spell is going to work! Plus it'll be a way to make the 8th years lighten up, they are a bit serious!" Dumbledore said grinning, with that sparkle in his eyes.

"Its crazy, they'll be stuck in there for the rest of their lives!" McGonagall said arguing with the old wizard. She thought he was going crazy. Oh did I say 'going' crazy I meant he is crazy.

"I don't know, I bet they'll fall in love within a few days! They are perfect for each other!" Dumbledore said trying to convince the professor.

"Ok we'll get the 8th years in the hall  and explain what the spell is then call Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger to the hall then place the spell on the two. We could set a magical projector up so we can view the two at all times!" McGonagall said convinced, she had seen the chemistry between them but she didn't want to agree straight away.

"We are actually doing it! I've always wanted to do this spell to a pair of students!" Dumbledore said earning a strange look from McGonagall, "I've already got a room set up, I had a feeling you would say yes!"

Ten minutes later, they had gathered all the 8th years in the great hall excluding Hermione and Draco. Everyone wore confused looks as no one knew what was going on. There was no tables, no professor table and there were blankets on the floor.

"Please pair up and sit on a blanket!" McGonagall said slightly smiling.

"Dumbledore? Why are we all here except from Hermione and Malfoy?" Harry said extremely confused.

"I will explain now Mr Potter, when everyone takes a seat on a blanket!" Dumbledore said wearing the same twinkle in his eyes and harry saw it, he was worried as he rarely saw the twinkle in his eye.

"Now that everyone is seated we may start!" Professor McGonagall said waving her wand around making the flooring turn into grass and snacks to surround everyone.

"We have gathered all the 8th years in the great hall tonight so that we can watch two students be under the spargant in caritate spell!" Dumbledore smiled. Luna's eyes widened as she smiled, she must obviously know what the spell is.

"Whats that spell?" Ron asked perplexed.

"The spargant in caritate is the spell of love in latin!" Dumbledore said, "We are going to be placing the spell on Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger today!"

The students heard the word 'love' and the two names and started shouted and yelling. McGonagall put her hand up to signal for them to shut up, they did. The woman was scary.

"Spargant in caritate is a spell that places the two victims in a room and they are only let out when they are in love with each other!" Dumbledore stated calmly waiting for everyone to blow off.

"Hermione would never love that ferret!" Ginny Weasley screamed over everyone else.

"Drake could never love the bookworm!" Blaise shouted.

"Dumbledore im being extremely respectful here but you are insane!" Ron yelled.

"Please quieten down!" McGonagall shouted over all the yells of protests.

"Im assuming this will be very entertaining so please sit back and relax!" Dumbledore said as everyone agreed with him. Two enemies stuck in a room together, only let out when they are completely in love with each other.

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