Blaise got your letter instead...

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Readers pov:

'Did you get my letter?' Hermione mouthed to Draco after the owls delivered letters. He shook his head confused as he hadn't received a letter. Hermione paled, who got her letter then?

"To my cute ferret," Blaise said as he chomped on his cereal reading the letter that had been sent to him via owl, he frowned. A ferret? Must be for draco, he read it regardless, "Because after all this time im still into you, I should be over all the butterflies. But im into you!"

Blaise frowned reading who its from.

"Hey mate? Whys Granger sending letters to you saying that she likes you?" Blaise asked, he had completely discarded his breakfast. Draco snatched the letter reading it, blushing. Blaise rolled his eyes seeing him blush. Draco signalled to the letter then Blaise to Hermione, who quickly paled and scratched her neck. It would be ok Hermione, plus Blaise doesn't really seem to care anyway. Right?

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