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The whole gang is at a muggle club. Draco, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Harry, Luna, Ron and Hermione.

Readers pov:

Hermione smirked as she saw a man approach her, she could finally use her new tricks ginny taught her.

"Hey beautiful I'm going to have to get your number-" The boy said before getting cut off by Hermione, everyone in the gang had their eyes on them because Hermione had recently nearly got sexually harassed. Draco tensed at the boy in Hermiones presence as he had a crush on her for the longest time ever.

"I think its so cute and I thinks its so sweet, how you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me!" Hermione smirked placing a hand on his shoulder, everyone was now smiling as harry congratulated Ginny on teaching Hermione new tricks.

"Come on sexy, we should go out sometime!"The boy shouted over the music.

"My name is no and my number is no! You need to let it go!" Hermione said laughing.

"Ok im sor-" He was about to apologise but got cut off again by Hermione, Hermione thinks he needs a lesson taught to him.

"I don't wanna go out with you, I don't need your hands all over me! If I wanna get a man then imma get a man but its never my priority!" Hermione smirked at him then turned him around and pushed him away. He should have just walked away when got rejected the first time. Plus there was only one man that Hermione wants.

"Bookworm, that was so badass!" Draco complimented her walking over with a glass of whiskey in it. She faked a smile and thanked him.

And that boy she wanted just called her a bookworm.

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