confidence potion

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Readers pov:

"You did what?" Ron screamed.

"Please be quiet all I did was put a confidence potion in her pumpkin juice!" Harry murmured trying to get him to calm down.

"She's going to freak when she finds out!" Ron whispered.

"Shhhh she's coming!" Harry ushered him to shut up.

"Hey guys!" Hermione said sitting in front of Harry and Ron and taking a bit off egg and putting it into her mouth.

"Hey 'Mione!" Harry said cheerfully.

"How did you sleep?" Ron asked in the tone of voice as harry.

"Quite good actually, Lavender didn't sleep talk for once!" Hermione laughed before taking a sip of her juice. The boys watched in anticipation. Her eyes closed as she shook her head then opened her eyes are rubbed her temples. They looked at her confused.

"Sorry got a bit of pain in my head for a second there!" Hermione said before shrugging it off and taking another bite of her egg.

"Thats good!" Harry whispered to Ron making sure Hermione couldn't hear. The potion took 5 minutes to kick in properly and only lasted 5 minutes as well. About 5 minutes later, Hermione got up and walked to the slytherin table the confidence obviously pumping around her body.

"This isn't good...!" Ron said worried. Harry just watched what she was doing, Hermione got to the slytherin table.

"Malfoy!" Hermione snapped looking down at Draco. He stood up confused.

"What?" Draco said rolling his eyes. Hermione stepped closer to him as harry mumbled under his breath saying something like 'oh no'.

"What if I had told you mother, his son was still a cruel mother fucker!" Hermione snapped at him, his eyes widening. After the war Narcissa was trying to get him to be kind to everyone and she would be extremely angry to hear how mean he was still being. Sure he wasn't saying the M word but he certainly wasn't being nice to everyone, "Its not just me its everybody who thinks that you are fucking ugly!"

"I am not ugly you beaver! Go away granger!" He shouted at her it was one thing being called a mother fucker but ugly? That didnt go down with him well.

"Helloooo??? Do you know who the fuck you're talking to? I don't think so!" Hermione screamed at him everyone watching their argument. The potion had worn off by now, she turned on her heel and faced Harry and Ron, "You better run Weasley and pottah!"

"Granger?" Draco asked.

"WHAT?" Hermione snapped at him turning around to face him.

"No need to shout all im saying is how I thought it was hot how you came at me like that! You should take a confidence potion or whatever potion it is more often!" Draco laughed before sitting back down next to Blaise and Theo. Hermione froze. Did the slytherin prince just call the Gryffindor Hermione suddenly remembered she was supposed to be killing her two best friends. So she ran out of the great hall trying to find them.

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