kiss, fuck or avada

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all in 8th year (+ ginny) are friends. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Pansy, Ginny, Theo, Blaise, Draco.

Readers pov:

"Ok ok ok last round of this until we move onto truth or dare!" Pansy spoke to everyone could hear her.

"OOOO ill go!" Ginny cried everyone looking round at her, "Hermione kiss fuck or avada!"

"Go on then!" Hermione said cautiously swallowing the Veritaserum.

"Ok lets make this juicy!" Ginny laughed rubbing her hands together, "Malfoy, Blaise and Harry!"

"UH-" Hermione froze scared to answer but the Veritaserum took over, "Kiss Blaise, fuck Draco and kill Harry!"

"Hey why did you kill me!" Harry cried out annoyed.

"Well you don't die so." Hermione said shrugging her shoulders the veritaserum worn off.

"You ask that Harry? What about how she said fuck Malfoy!" Ron pointed out pointing at the smirking Draco.

"Oh I forgot I said that!" Hermione said throwing her hand over her mouth.

"Thanks Granger!" Draco spoke winking at her making her blush.

"OMG DRAMIONEEEE!" Pansy and Ginny screamed together.

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