Soulmates touch

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3rd Year and pretend Hermione never got a detention in their 1st year

Readers pov: 

In the wizarding world, there was a curse set upon the whole British wizarding community. The curse was set upon them by the death eaters after Voldemort had died from killing Lily and James Potter and attempting to murder Harry Potter. The death eaters had done this before either disappearing, pretending to never have been a death eater, or being sent to Azkaban. 

The curse was that once you had touched your soulmate the two people would both have a red mark where they were touched. You may be thinking, hey that's not that bad? Well, the catch is that you were not allowed to exclusively date anyone until you had touched your soulmate. You could only exclusively date your soulmate. You were allowed one-night stands, to kiss other people, etc. 

"I have something I have to do, Harry!" Hermione said suddenly. 

"What? What do you mean Hermione?" Harry asked confused before Hermione walked away, "This can't be good!" 

She was walking very fast down the hill, towards these tall rocks. Harry spotted Malfoy, Crabbe, and some Slytherin he didn't know. Double not good. 

"Ah come to see the show!" Draco Malfoy shouted, smirking and chuckling with his Slytherin friends. Harry rolled his eyes and gave Ron 'that look', "The orphan/ chosen one, The mudblood/ bookworm and The useless sidekick/ overeater!" 

"YOU!" Hermione screamed running towards him, pulling her wand out whilst leaving Ron and Harry watching eyes wide, "You foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" 

Draco's smirk fell off his face as Hermione's wand poked into his neck. His chuckling no more. He whimpered as he looked at the wand that was getting poked harder into his neck. Harry didn't say anything just glad that Malfoy was getting what he deserved, he was extremely proud of his best friend. Whilst, on the other hand, Ron was sighing. 

"Hermione, he's not worth it!" Ron spoke to Hermione trying to get her to stop. Whilst he wanted Malfoy to get cursed and hexed he didn't want it to be at the cost of Hermione's perfect score of never getting a detention. He wanted what was best for his best friend. 

Hermione sighed, lowing her wand and turning away. What infuriated her was the smug chuckles and laughs that came out of Draco and his friends' mouths. She could hear the smirk on his face. She turned around sharply punching him as hard as she could. Draco screamed, hunching over and clutching his nose. 

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!" Hermione screamed standing in front of the crouching Malfoy as her eyes were wide. 

"Hermione, we'll get you out of detention!" Harry said to her, reassuring her. 

"It's not that!" Hermione said, alarming her friends. They rushed down the end bit of the hill to her. She raised her fist. A large red mark on her knuckles. 

"Maybe it's just blood?" Ron asked, shocked. 

"Does this look like blood to you ron?" Hermione snapped, angry and annoyed. She quickly apologised for snapping at him. 

"Draco!" Crabbe said, shaking Malfoy. 

"Can you stop, you useless idiot!" Malfoy shouted at him, in pain. 

"No, Draco look at Granger's fist."

He looked at the shaking, bushy-haired girl then down at her fist. It was red, the red mark people get when they first touch their soulmates. The random Slytherin pulled out a mirror, offering it to Malfoy. 

"Give me that!" Draco snapped, snatching it out of his hands. He looked at his nose, the red mark. He chuckled. 

"How in merlin can you be doing your stupid chuckle right now?" Hermione shouted at Malfoy. 

"Guess you're stuck with me from now on Princess!" Draco said smirking as he slung his arm around her. 

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