I wish I were her

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Ok I don't think this is really clear who Hermiones talking about so she is talking about draco malfoys girlfriend Jade Olivia. Also everyone was supposed to be having a dinner party at Hermiones apartment but they came 30 minutes early to surprise her. Also the people there are luna, neville, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Draco, Pansy, Theo and Blaise. Also this is 2 years after the war. <3

Readers pov:

The gang all tip toed into Hermione's apartment wanting to surprise her. This was going to be amazing Hermione loves when her guests are early, she's going to be overjoyed. Right? They walked into the apartment but couldn't find anyone only to hear light sobbing coming from the bedroom, the bedroom door was wide open.

"Shall we go into the room?" Neville whispered careful not to get them caught.

"I think we should watch by the door to find out whats wrong," Theo whispered. Harry and Ron looked truly heart broken hearing her best friend of 9 years sob her heart out. They all tip toed to door as Ginny looked into the room only to find her friend lay on her bed.

"Why won't you ever kiss me?" Hermione sobbed as she got up from her bed, wearing a dress. Everyone looked like they were intruding as they had no idea who there friend was talking about.

"Im not even half as pretty as her..." Hermione said as she looked into her vanity mirror. Pansy started to tear up at hearing her good friend thinking she's not pretty enough, everyone knew Hermione was beautiful its just sad she couldn't see it herself.

"Does anyone know who she's talking about?" Blaise murmured in a sad tone. Luckily, he couldn't be heard over the soft, slow music Hermione had just put on. Luna shrugged her shoulders.

"If only you knew how much I liked you,"

"You gave her your sweater, you like her better!" Hermione said as she sniffled and tried to wipe the flowing tears continuing to come out of her beautiful, brown eyes. A few tears came out of Ginnys eyes because everyone believed Hermione was the most happiest out of the friend group. She always smiled and bounced around only now was everyone realising it was an act. An act that her best friends should have picked up on sooner.

"I wish I was her," She cried softly picking up a magazine with a picture of Jade Olivia on,"How could I hate her, she's such an angel!"

"Oh," Draco said looking down, everyone looking at him. Jade Olivia was his girlfriend. Was. They had broken up yesterday after Draco had caught her cheating on him. That truly broke him but he realised that the Veela wasn't worth his time.

"Perfect blue eyes brighter than a summers sky," She cried hard looking at the perfect girl on the cover, "Perfect blonde hair, she's perfect!"

Most of the people in the gang were silently crying now, everyone just wanted to give her a hug. Nobody had noticed her fall into a depressed state. Her best friends should feel bad for not realising sooner. Hermione got up from the chair by her vanity and looked into full sized mirror on her wall. She started putting charms on herself to make look like she hasn't been crying. She smiled into the mirror. Fake smiled. She had practised her fake smiles every time before seeing her friends.

"I wish I were her," Hermione said before applying some make up and slipping into matching heels. She got halfway through the room before looking back at the cover on the magazine. She walked back over to her vanity. She grabbed the magazine and threw it into her bin. She looked at the bin for a few seconds before turning around and walking over to the exit. She went out of her room and saw her best friends waiting outside her room. Her eyes widened at the thought of her best friends hearing all of that.

"Mione we want you to know that we'll always be there for you," Harry said putting his hand on her shoulder. She gave him a sad smile.

"You don't have to fake around us Mia!" Ginny said smiling softly at her.

"If you want to be sad around us you can 'Mione, we are all sometimes sad and we can never fight it alone!" Pansy said before she blew her nose on a Slytherin handkerchief.

"We are always here to talk Hermione, no matter what," Luna and neville said as neville's arm was around Luna's waist. It was then when she realised why didn't talk to her friends about her problems. They all had relationships and lives. She felt like a burden in there lives.

"We may have only been friends for 2 years but you are always welcome in me and Pansys house whenever you need to talk!" Blaise said giving Hermione a smile.

"Thank you guys I just didn't want to be a burden-" She said smiling as her eyes had tears in them, she got caught off by draco dragging her into a hug. Everyone watched them hug not wanting to ruin their moment. Draco pulled away from the embrace and looked at Hermione for 5 seconds before pulling her into a kiss.


Just a quick reminder that you are beautiful and that you should never compare yourself to other people. You are your own person and you are gorgeous in your own ways. I love you. <3

Tysm to bluedevils3 for always reading, voting and commentinggggg!!!!

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