Letter read aloud

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Hermione ate her cereal slowly, she had been feeling quite down lately as her boyfriend Draco Malfoy had decided not to return to redo 7th year and it didn't go unnoticed by her friends. Although none of them noticed Hermione blushing every time she got a letter or always writing letters really late and sending them and none of them knew she was sad because of a certain blonde ferret. Owls were swooping down giving students there mail. Ginny received a letter with a weasley sealing wax but decided to read it later as she knew it wasn't anything important and she had noticed that Hermione keeps getting letters with a green sticker on them and she always blushed reading them. Everytime Ginny tried to talk to Hermione when she was reading these letters she never answered as she was to sucked into reading the letter. Hermione quickly picked up the letter dropping her spoon in her bowl, it was Dracos letter!

Dear my amazing bookworm,

Lately ive been missing you darling, please tell me you are coming home for Christmas. I don't think I could bear not seeing you for even longer after Christmas. Anyways there is a small gift inclosed in the envelope in a flat box. Mother keeps nagging me about proposing to you but I told her that we were to young and I would propose in my own time. Thoughts of me kissing you, thoughts of our dates and thoughts of us watching those weird Netflix shows keep coming into my head. I cant wait to cuddle up to my favourite brown, curly headed girl at Christmas and give you loads of presents. You are the sun to the world and its been all doom and gloom without you. Just a quick reminder that I love you and that you are beautiful. Also please stop wearing this weird make up thing its covering your really gorgeous face. Please stop saying you look ugly it makes me very sad when you do because you are truly irresistible. I don't think ill be able to stop showering you with love and kisses when I get to see you, I know its only October 2nd but its been to long since ive seen you. Now im going to list everything I love about you my darling-

~ your curly, luscious hair,

~ your chocolate, brown eyes that brain wash me,

~ your perfect, plump lips,

~ your cute, little nose that scrunches up sometimes,

~ your amazing eyebrows that are truly impressive,

~ all your books,

~ your personality, please don't change anything about it, its literally the best,

~ your model body,

~ everything about you, please never change anything you are so beautiful inside and out.

Anyways mother and father wanted me to say hi for them, please have loads of fun at Hogwarts and try not think to much about me. Hehe I love you beautiful.

Yours truly,

~ Your ferret x

Hermione blushed a deep scarlet colour as she read this letter, she quickly took the small box and put it into her pocket saving it for later. She folded the letter up and placed it into her pocket next. Whilst reading the letter she hadnt even realised Ginny Weasley, her best friend had been reading the letter over her shoulder aloud to everyone in the great hall.

"Do you have potions first Ginny-" Hermione stopped herself as she turned to look at Ginny but didn't see her in her seat. Instead she was behind her shoulder, Hermione had only just realised everyone in the hall was silent and staring at her, "Whats everyone staring at?"

"Oh just the fact that your boyfriend Draco Malfoy is the sweetest person to ever live! Sorry I couldn't resit reading the letter to the whole great hall, it was just to cute!!" Ginny squealed. Great now the whole school knew about her relationship.

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