I need to get to my boyfriend!

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Readers pov:

Her vision started to blur as she ran down the stairs in the Gryffindor stand desperately trying to get onto the quidditch pitch. Draco Malfoy had just been hit by a bludger and was now laying on the crisp, perfectly-green grass. She had just reached the bottom and was panting whilst still sprinting over.

"Move now!" Hermione said trying to get through the crowd of slytherins.

"No you are probably just here to rub it into our faces that Slytherin have lost!" Pansy said whilst actually trying to care for her best friend.

"Let me through I need to get to my boyfriend!" Hermione desperately said as tears run down her cheeks. Pansy moved out of the way as she could see Hermione genuinely cared for her good friend.

"DRACO!" Hermione said as she dropped onto the floor grabbing her wand,"Come on stay strong!"

"Hermione..."Draco said weakly moving his hand to clutch onto hers. She didn't know good enough spells to heal her boy friend but she could take him to Madam Pomfreys. She didn't care about the dirty looks she was getting from her Gryffindor friends she just wanted to know if Draco was ok.

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