I choose

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8th year gryffindors and slytherins + Ginny and Luna

Readers pov:

"Okay my go!" Ginny managed to get out as she laughed glancing at Hermione quickly, "Hermione truth or dare?"

"Truth.." Hermione mumbled, she didn't like the idea of Ginny giving her a truth.

"Ugh boring!!!!!" Theo yelled throwing something up in the air.

"Okay!" Ginny smirked which is never a good sign, "Who is hotter Ron or Harry?"

"Okay now this is interesting!" Blaise and Pansy said in unison.

"How is that fair? They have literally been best friends for just over 7 years now!" Neville exclaimed feeling sorry for Hermione.

"Take the Veritaserum!" Seamus and Dean said together.

"This is going to be so funny!" Luna dreamily said, everyone was extremely drunk. Daphene handed Hermione the truth potion before she downed it.

"Well to be honest..." Hermione said trailing off making everyone watch her closely, "Fuck that I choose draco!"

Hermione laughed whilst everyone just stared at her, Hermione only laughed because she was so drunk.

"Take that pottah!" Draco exclaimed jumping up smirking, "I think we can now agree that I won this is argument/ battle we've been having for 7 years. I mean did you hear what Hermione said!"

"Shut up Malfoy- wait did you just call mione hermione?" Harry started but realised what Draco had said.

"NO!" Draco shouted.

"I think Draco likes hermione!" Pansy said teasing Draco.

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