show and tell

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I'm so sorry im not updating as often as i'd like to. School is killing me!! So much Homework!

Ok so in this pov, hermione gave Draco nudes (they were together but it was all just a huge prank for Draco) and Draco leaked them because hes an asshole in this pov. 8th year

Readers pov: 

Hermione walked into the great hall but stopped int he main entrance as everyone stopped talking and stared at her. Everyone started to mutter about her photos even some gryffindors she thought were her close friends. She looked around at Draco who was sniggering with Blaise and Pansy. 

"She's fat!"

"What a slut!"

"Shes ugly!"

"She should stick to books!" 

"Well I think she looks quite nice." Luna lovegood stated dreamily smiling.

"She's disgusting!" These were only the few things Hermione caught as she walked over to the now standing up Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter. Anger started to pour into her as she looked at Draco Malfoy smirking. Hermione strut over to Draco Malfoy, a new found confidence surging through her body. She pulled Draco up from the bench, Draco surprised by her strength. 

"Show and tell? Aww how cute!" Hermione laughed letting go off his robes. 

"You got fooled by me, I didnt know you'd give them that quickly though Granger!" Draco said whilst laughing all the slytherins. 

"Im not on display for all you fuckers to see!" Hermione shouted out to everyone in the hall the professors stayed silent. Not only had they confiscated a lot of Hermione Grangers pictures but they had just heard her swear. Hermione walked out Harry, Luna, Ginny and Ron following having no clue about her and Draco. 

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