fell in love but it didn't last

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Hermione stood in a pitch black room with a tiny light above her. She was in the ROR the room that she wanted.

"I found a guy who's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face, does he think im the kind of girl who needs to be saved?" Hermione said tears streaking down her face, "We fell in love but it didn't last,"

"Because the second I find out whats wrong he pushes me away," Hermione said sobbing, Draco and Hermione had just broken up. Draco broke up with her as she had figured at he had the dark mark, "And I won't fight for love he wouldn't meet me half way!"

"And I say that im through but im still here talking about you," Hermione sat down on the floor, cross legged, "All I want is love that lasts, is it to much to ask? Is there something wrong with me?"

"All I want is a good guy, are my expectations to high? But at the end of the day I only have myself, shouldn't that be enough?" Hermione asked herself.

But at the end of the day, she only had herself.

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