poker face

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Voldemort died in 6th year due to the amazing Dumbledore :)). Okay so idk if you know but there was this tik Tok trend to the song poker face and basically it was like someone would say the first line to scare someone then you would say the second line to surprise them idk if ya know what I mean lmao. Enjoy anyway.

Readers pov:

"A little gambling is fun when you are with me!" Draco said trying to impress his 17 year old friends.

"I love it," Blaise said as he has been coming to the annual Malfoy poker games since he was 15.

"Russian roulette is not the same without curses!" Draco said extremely loudly hoping that the Gryffindors would hear him.

"I agree!" Pansy said nodding her head along with Blaise. Hermione had heard the exchange between the three and simply rolled her eyes at them, they were obviously just trying to impress everyone. She walked over to them and smirked.

"And when its love if its not rough it isn't mine," Hermione said close to bursting out laughing in front of their faces. Although she didn't, she continued to keep her act up and smirked.

"What?" Draco said shocked at her words. Blaise and Pansy just stood there mouths wide open. Hermione burst out laughing, they rolled their eyes.

"Maybe next time don't say things to loud Malfoy!" Hermione laughed walking back to the other two thirds of the golden trio, they were laughing their heads off.

"Okay what was that?" Pansy said once Hermione couldn't hear them.

"No clue!" Blaise said.

"I wonder if she does actually like rough love..." Draco said accidentally saying his thoughts aloud.

"Ugh shut up mate we don't care!" Blaise said laughing.

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