Truth or dare...?

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Readers pov:

All the 8th years were finally friends. After many arguments, they realized that the war was over. And that it was time for everyone to be civil. They were all in the ROR playing truth or dare.

"'Mione truth or dare?" Ginny said as they were all sat in a circle.

"Uhhh- truth!" Hermione said.

"Hey, I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave! Why didn't you choose dare?" Draco said as many people from Slytherin laughed. The only people in 8th year that returned were Luna, the golden trio (Hermione forced Ron and Harry to come), The silver trio (Blaise, Pansy, and Draco), Neville, Seamus and dean, and Theo.

"There is a difference between brave and stupid Malfoy!" Hermione explained as Dean agreed.

"Okay, my truth for you Hermione is, who was your first kiss?" Ginny squealed, she had wanted to know this for a while as she was sure it wasn't her brother or Krum.

"Well, it's obviously me!" Ron said as he wrapped an arm around Hermione.

"Well, I thought it was Krum!" Pansy said.

"Actually 'Mione had her first kiss in 3rd year!" Luna said. Most people were confused, MOST.

"Actually Luna's right, wait how do you know luna?" Hermione said as Luna shrugged.

"Well, my first kiss was actually.....Malfoy," Hermione murmured awkwardly.

"Wait this was in the third year?" Harry said confused as Hermione and Draco shrugged.

"I thought you hated each other then?" Ron said VERY confusedly. Ginny squealed.

"So cute, like a forbidden romance!" Ginny continued to squeal.

"I need a full story!" Pansy squealed with Ginny.

"Ok but I'm not sure if you want to hear it...." Hermione giggled.

"Wait do you mean you lost your virginity to him as well!?" Ginny's eyes widened so did Pansys.

"NO OMG WE WERE 13!!!" Hermione yelled.

"Although...." Draco whispered everyone hearing him.

"Shut up Draco!" Hermione slapped his arm. This made everyone confused because it seemed like they had.

"Well can I ask you another question?" Ginny distracted Hermione with that question as Pansy slipped Veritaserum into Hermione's drink.

"If you would Kindly drink some of your butterbeer!" Ginny said as she smiled encouraging Hermione. Hermione thought she was just trying to get her drunk so she did drink some only for Ginny to suddenly fire questions at her. Ginny was testing to see if the Veritaserum was working. It was.

"Did you lose your virginity to Draco?" Pansy asked everyone was extremely curious at this point.

"Yes...." Hermione said ashamed the truth potion had taken over. She slapped her head and buried her face In her hands. Everyone gasped except Luna, Draco, and Hermione.

"When?" Ginny said still wanting for information as Ron and Harry seriously looked like they wanted to kill themselves.

"I'm never seen Granger and Draco so flustered!" Blaise said as he fell into fits of giggles.

"It's hilarious!!" Theo yelled out laughing until he couldn't breathe.

"Fourth year...."

"See Neville I told you something was going on between them in the fourth year didn't I tell you that!?" Luna said to Neville

"Yes, you did...." Neville murmured still scarred from hearing what came out of Hermione's mouth today.

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