amplified voice

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Readers pov:

Quidditch had just finished, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Draco Malfoy caught the snitch making Slytherin win. Hermione had been commentating the match as she understood the rules but hated playing. She had set a charm on her voice making it louder to everyone else except herself and the players in the quidditch match. Everyone thinks that they lost because harry, Ron and Ginny were injured. So was Blaise Zabini but everyone managed to find subs.

"Hey Draco, you played so well. Good job on catching the snitch!" Hermione said as she walked into the empty classroom as she saw draco walk in, she had forgotten her voice was amplified and draco heard her normal voice volume as he had played.

"Thanks baby you are the only reason that I caught it, you are my lucky charm!" Draco murmured softly kissing her on the lips. Everyone within a 100 metre range hearing only Hermiones voice.

"The taste of your lips!" Hermione sighed, "Im on a ride,"

He continued to kiss her on the lips, neck, everywhere. She moaned occasionally only egging him on.

"OMG PLEASE TAKE THE CHARM OFF RIGHT NOW WE'VE HAD TO LISTEN TO YOU ARE DRACO KISSING FOR 5 MINUTES AND WE FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" Pansy screamed coming into the classroom, Theo and Blaise following close behind.

"Oh merlin I forgot that I amplified my voice for the match..." Hermione rubbed her forehead taking her wand out and taking the spell off.

"Thank god for that!" Blaise said faking wiping sweat off.

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