My father will hear about this

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This is too funny 

Readers pov:
"My father will hear about this!!" Malfoy remarked as he rolled his eyes and Hermione scoffed. This was right after Hermione had punched Draco right in the nose. Hermione had felt great after it happened, siriusly she felt on top of the world.
"Aw, you talk about me to your father, how cute!" Hermione said sarcastically making all the Gryffindors chuckle and laugh and even some of the Slytherins were caught off guard with that. But they quickly replaced their giggling faces with their usual smirks.
"Some would even think you had a crush on me!" Hermione laughed, "You do talk about me to your parents a lot Malfoy!"
Draco was at a loss for words, many of the Slytherins turned their heads to look at Draco questionably.
"Drakie-poo is she telling the truth?" She squeaked in her annoying high pitched voice, if you could even call it a voice it was more like a screech.
"W-well we all know you smelt me when we were studying love potions a week ago!" Draco had pointed out making the Slytherins 'oOoOooOoOo' and the Gryffindors scoff.
"I mean come on spearmint toothpaste, that's my toothpaste and mowed grass. Well, we all know that's my signature smell. As for the parchment, you are supposed to be tutoring me next week!" Draco said smirking. What a fine point he had made.
"Seems like grangers just saying Draco has a crush on her to distract everyone from the fact that it's the complete opposite way around!" Blaise said smirking. Ro started to get red at that comment.
"Well, a lot of people use spearmint toothpaste!!!" Harry yelled accidentally to Loud making people jump.
"Exactly and mowed grass obviously just smells nice a lot of people smelt it because it's a nice smell!" Hermione said smiling at that very smart point.
"Well, that is because a lot of girls are attracted to me, Granger!" He just continued to smirk.
"I mean I know I'm fucking hot but I didn't know you liked me!" All the Slytherins laughed at that and made noises of agreeing. Nobody had ever seen them laugh it was creepy as hell.
"You are one to talk Malfoy! What did you smell? Cats, books, and rose perfume!" Hermione said scoffing.
"I have a cat and I'm a book worm! Plus my perfume is rose scented!" Hermione said proving her point. It was at that moment that they realized they were completely in love with each other. Draco pulled her close and they started to kiss deeply.
"Haha, you all owe me a ton of money, hehe!" Luna cried in her usual sing-song voice.

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