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Hermione is Sophia Riddle. Draco and Sophie love each other but Dracos to dumb to know Hermione and Sophie are the same people.

Readers pov:

"Hey granger why do you always look at your arm like its a religion!" Draco laughed along with Blaise, Pansy and Theo as they taunted her.

"Leave me alone!" Hermione shouted at them trying to run away, she didn't want everyone at school knowing that she was Voldemort's daughter and she was a death eater. Everyone now watching the four taunt her.

"What? Scared are we granger?" Pansy said laughing at her as Blaise grabbed her and placed her on a chair that he conjured then binded her body. A tear dropped down Hermiones face knowing her secret was going to be told to everyone in a minute as she looked at Harry and Ron worrying for her.

"Time to see what Miss Granger always looks at!" Theo said laughing even louder than his three friends as he started to roll her sleeve up. Hermione looked down at her lap starting to get angry her nose flaring. He fully rolled it up jumping away, seeing the dark mark.

"OH SHIT GRANGER HAS THE DARK FUCKING MARK!" Draco screamed as Theo had his hand over his mouth. Hermione jumped out of the chair the binding curse breaking.

"What!?" Harry yelled running over to Hermione with Ron scrambling behind. Hermione raised her wand to Harry as he stopped.

"Harry James potter you will step back right now you have no idea who you are talking to right now!" Hermione screamed not wanting to hurt her best friend, "Im sorry harry please just stay away before I call my father!"

"Mione whats going on? Is this a prank?" Ron stuttered nervous watching as Hermione lowered her wand.

"No im not kidding I wish I was, I am Sophia riddle or Voldemort's daughter!" Hermione said speaking to the whole of Hogwarts putting her wand away.

"Sophia?" Draco asked confused, "But I kissed you!?"

"Yeah..." Hermione said looking at the floor, "Yep im Sophia, hi draco..."

"DRACO? FIRST NAME! AND YOU KISSED!?" Ginny said shocked running over, "You didn't tell me you kissed you only said you hugged. Wow in held information from you best friend!"

"Sorry Gin..." Hermione said laughing rolling her sleeve down so nobody could see the mark. Draco and Hermione looked at each other before Draco ran over, picked Hermione up and spun her around hugging her.

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