wisdom teeth

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Readers pov: 

Draco had made a huge sacrifice for Hermione after they had gotten married. Although it was big for him he had promised to do it for their love and because Hermione didn't completely want to abandon her muggle life. He had promised to do a lot of things the muggle way. So when it comes to his wisdom teeth, he was completely annoyed when Hermione said he had to get them out the muggle way. 

"Honey!" Draco whined before Hermione left the room he was in, he was about to be under the influence of the drugs. Hermione laughed as she sat in the waiting room on her small phone. She phoned Harry and they talked for a while before he had to go and help Ginny with their little boy, James. She sighed getting bored waiting, this was until Draco came out with cotton in his bleeding mouth. 

"Hermioneeeee," Draco said his words nearly slurred, suddenly he started bawling his eyes out. 

"What's wrong love?" Hermione asked confused. 

"Y-you have a wedding band, I was just about to ask you out to dinner!" Draco cried looking at her emerald wedding band. She giggled, "Why are you laughing!" 

"Draco, my last name is Malfoy for gods sake!" Hermione sighed realising this was the drugs. 

"Oh my- I am so sorry Miss. I had no clue we were related, please forgive me!" Draco rushed out, appalled by himself. 

"Show me your left hand!" Hermione said giggling. He gave her his left hand confused, "Look a wedding ring!" 

"Oh my, I am so sorry. I must find my wife and apologise. Do you know where I could find her?" Draco asked getting up but then sitting back down, "Or who she is?"

Hermione shook her head before falling into a laughing fit. She brought her hand out and put it beside his. Her wedding band was a green one with a snake on it and his was a red one with a lion on it. They perfectly matched. 

"OH!" He said finally understanding, "You're my wife!" 

"Yes, Draco!" Hermione said before giggling into her hand as Draco kissed her on the cheek, "Now let's leave!" 

"No, I don't wanna!" Draco said sounding like a whiny child, "Only a kiss will make me leave!" 

Hermione sighed as he looked at his pouty face, he had puppy dog eyes mode activated. 

"No, your mouth is bleeding and is full of cotton. Maybe later?" Hermione asked before Draco sadly nodded. And with that, they walked out and went home to watch movies and eat ice cream. 

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