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Dracos pov:

"Its the most powerful love potion in the world," Hermione started, "Its rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them, for example I smell,"

She stopped talking to smell the potion, 'ugh hurry up mud blood I wanna smell it as well' I thought. I looked away from her and rolled my eyes.

"Mint, citrus," She stopped obviously surprised at what she smelt, this caught my attention. She obviously must not smell weaslebee then.

"Awww that sucks it isn't Weasley!" Blaise said making all the Slytherins laugh. The Gryffindors just sneered at us, I raised my eyebrows at Weasley smirking.

"Mr zabini!" Slughorn shot him an icy look,"Please continue Miss Granger!"

"-And," She took a pause obviously not wanting to say what her last smell was,"Spearmint.....toothpaste,"

She paled realising who it was.

"Oh my merlin I know exactly who that is!" Harry said his jaw dropping.

"Well come on then don't be shy, tell us!" I said chuckling. He looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Harry don't laugh!" Ron said, "I want to know who 'Mione likes as well!"

Slughorn had retreated to his desk, amused by the situation. That old idiot obviously knew what she had smelt in the love potion.

"Drake I know who bookworm smelt!" Blaise exclaimed standing closer to me.

"You all right Blaise, don't want to come off as a creep do you?" I said sniggering referring to him coming closer to me.

"Mint and citrus!" He said, he was close enough to be smelling my scent. Creep.

"Hey Draco what toothpaste do you use?" Pansy asked me. Weird question. By now Granger had stepped back next to Potty and redheaded side kick.

"Spearmint, why?" I asked her extremely weirded out by her question. She's a little creep she is. She suddenly burst of laughing after looking at me.

"Why does everyone look at me and suddenly burst out laughing!?" I screamed. Granger buried her head in her hands trying to hide her beauti- ugly, blushing face.

"Well you use a mint and lemon cologne mate!" Blaise said, "And a lemon is a citrus fruit!"

"Oh for fucks sake, will everyone stop explaining to him and just tell him already!?" Granger screamed.

"Did you just cuss?" Ron asked. Granger shot him her super scary death stares, he looking absolutely petrified.

"Im attracted to you Malfoy! And it wasn't my choice It just happened! I hate you but im attracted to you if that makes sense! I mean I think your hot which is what im trying to say, but I still hate you!" Hermione said really fast.

"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool!" I said really fast trying to stop myself from fainting,"Wait you think im hot?"

"Just shut up already!" She said burying her hands in her hands.

"Well I think you are pretty hot as well," I said, "But I still hate you!"

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