Pooby and Reesy

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Readers pov:

Everyone had just returned from hogwarts for Christmas and they had all gone to the Granger-Weasley's house for dinner. Rose, Albus and Scorpius were in fourth year (2021). Ginny and Harry were there with James, Albus and Lily-Luna. Draco was there with Scorpius (Astoria had sadly passed away due to the family blood curse in 2019). Pansy and Theo were there with Scarlett. Finally, Hermione was there with Hugo and Rose (Ron was away on a business trip). Blaise, Daphene and their kid couldn't make it. All there kids were friends so they had all decided to forgive each other and be friends as well.

They were all talking and enjoying the starter that Pooby and Reesy had prepared for them when Pooby came over to Hermione.

"Miss Hermione?" Pooby asked looking up at Hermione.

"Yes Pooby?" Hermione replied sweetly.

"Last night, I heard some peculiar sounds coming from your room but I had decided not to bother you. Were you alright? I heard lots of screams and shouts," Pooby said concerned for her.

"Now is not the time P-" Hermione replied but got cut off by a laughing Harry.

"No, please do go on!" Harry said laughing forgetting there were kids in the room.

"Again I am sorry I didn't come and help you with you, you sounded like you were in a lot of pain. I had thought Mr Weasley was here but I had forgotten he was away!" Pooby said extremely sorry.

"HAHAHA, Ron wasn't here!" Ginny said laughing with her husband, "Anyways please do say what you heard!"

"Well I heard people talking, well more shouting. They said take it slow, put it down on me. I said jump on it and ride like a pony," Pooby announced not realising what it meant. Hermione was frozen but then she brought her hands to her mouth.

"Thank you Pooby, ever so grateful!" Harry said thanking the house elf whilst laughing even harder.

"Miss Hermione, I was just wondering has something come up because I heard you talking to your dad last night and you never told me about it but you always tell me when your family is visiting!" Pooby said concerned.

"Pooby nothing has come up and my dad didn't visit yesterday! Pooby please could you leave you can go rest now!" Hermione said blushing as she played with her empty glass. Pooby left the dining hall.

"Well Hermione, I really do like that cute little house elf of yours!" Pansy said giggling. Hermione gave her a look.

"MUM!" Rose said annoyed.

"Rose, we will talk about this later!" Hermione said looking at her daughter, "Anyways, our food is done!"

They ate their food whilst trying to find out who Hermione was with subtly. Hermione hadn't noticed these hints though and was trying to forget it.

"Ok Hermione I give up!" Theo announced confusing Hermione, "Who did you sleep with last night? We all want to know!"

"Tell us Hermione besides we don't care. Everyone knows Ron cheated on you with his assistant!" Ginny said looking at Hermione and smiling.

"What is wrong with my family!?" Hugo said hurt and confused by his parents.

"It's none of your businesses so- wait what? I knew it was his ugly assistant!" Hermione said enraged but soon forgot it because she did just cheat as well. Reesy walked in with a bottle of red wine.

"Does anyone need a refill?" Reesy asked politely.

"Yes please!" Said Hermione, Ginny and Draco. Reesy refilled Ginny and Dracos before reaching Hermione.

"Do you know where the files are that Mr Malfoy dropped off before leaving this morning?" Reesy asked as she poured red wine into Mrs Granger-Weasleys glass.

"Ding ding ding we have found our winner!" Pansy said laughing as everyone looked at Draco.

"Dad!" Scorpius shouted, "Did you sleep with Rose's mum?"

"What do you want to hear?" Draco asked looking at his only son. He loved him so much and had vowed to be the best dad he possibly could be after the death of Astoria.

"The truth!" Scorpius said hurt.

"Yes, I slept with Hermione!" Draco said looking at his son, telling the truth.

"Draco! I mean- Malfoy!" Hermione screamed.

"Thank you for inviting us Hermione this really is the best night of my life!" Harry said taking Hermione's hand as he laughed.

"I think this dinner is over if you could all please leave!" Hermione said standing up, "Thank you for all coming!"

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