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Before I start I just want to say, please do not send me messages since I cant reply due to wattpad not sending me a verification email. Its annoying how I cant reply. So if you want to send a message please just comment on my latest one shot on this book.

Also @1983-JANIE-HOSLE I would love to read some samples, so comment if you still want to send them then send them in messages and ill reply to your comment telling you what I think. Im sure they'll be amazing :))

They are going into 6th year and Voldemort died in 1st year :))


Hermione wandered around diagon alley. She had a few days until school, although she had already got her school supplies a few weeks prior, she knew all her friends would be here today. She had felt a large thud on her chest before falling to the ground.

"Im really sor- oh its you granger!" The man said, you could hear the annoyance in his voice. Hermione looked up and saw Draco.

"Malfoy?" Hermione asked getting up and dusting herself off.

"Watch where you are going granger-" Draco started but then got cut off by a tall, beautiful woman coming up behind him.

"Ah draco dear there you are!" The woman said with a warm smile on her face, "And who might this be?"

"I'm Hermione Granger!" Hermione said giving a small smile to the woman, "Are you Narcissa Malfoy?"

"I sure am, ive heard loads about you!" Narcissa said putting a hand on her sons shoulder, "You are truly beautiful like how my son said!"

"Beautiful?" Hermione said confused, Draco had called her beautiful? "Well thank you!"

"MUM! Why did you have to say that!" Draco said in a strop.

"Oh sorry, well I'd love to get to know your friend!" Mrs Malfoy said looking at her son.

"She isn't my friend!" Draco said in an angry tone, he left before he had a tantrum.

"He called me beautiful?" Hermione asked with a wide grin.

"Yes, he talks about you a lot. He has a big crush on, he has had a crush on you since you both started Hogwarts. Well I better be off before I reveal all my sons secrets!" Mrs Malfoy laughed before going after her son. Hermione just stood there confused before Ron, Harry and Ginny came up behind her.

"Ready to go 'Mione?" Harry asked.

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