ill admit it

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I'm sorry this chapter isn't very long I've just started school and I'm quite busy :((

Readers pov:

"Fine ill admit it but only because you guys have been nagging me all day!" Hermione snapped at Harry and Ron finally breaking as they sat in the library, Hermione helping them, "I like Malfoy!"

"Ahhhhh the bookworm finally breaks!" Ron said as him and Harry got out of their chairs and cheered quietly.

"Mione I think Malfoy and his friends heard you!" Harry said laughing with Ron. Hermione whipped her head around to see Draco, Pansy and Blaise laughing and smirking.

"This is all your fault!" Hermione cried shutting her book closed with a snap.

"Hey granger it's okay because I may return those...feelings," Draco said with a small smile, hermione returning the smile.

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