Jealous, huh?

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Readers pov:

"Hey Granger, how was your summer?" Malfoy said as they crossed paths on the way to the great hall in the massive crowd of students.

"F-fine thanks I- uh- and yours?" She was caught off guard by his question and stuttered which wasn't a normal thing for Hermione Granger. Everyone had their eyes on the two students watching their civil exchange. Everybody was watching due to the fact that the pair have never had a normal conversation.

"Mine was fantastic, thanks for asking! And how are your parents?" He had replaced his fake, sweet smile with usual smirk as he knew that Hermione oblivated her parents.

"Malfoy go away, I don't have time for you right now!" Hermione said wounded by his question.

"Awww but I was just starting to like the conversation!" Draco said pouting. Many Gryffindors rolled their eyes at Malfoy due to him hurting their Gryffindor princess.

"Malfoy just go back to your slutty Parkinson, im sure she would be happy to see you unlike me! I heard you've been fucking all summer, just go back to that! Prick," Hermione snapped making Gryffindors laugh at Hermione calling Pansy a slut.

"Jealous, huh? Anything you want to tell me?" Draco chuckled, he loved teasing that girl. But only because he had a thing for her.

"Me? Jealous?" She nervously laughed,"I am not jealous!"

She yelled the last sentence.

"Yeah whatever Granger, come to me when you are ready to tell me you love me!" Draco chuckled as he walked back to Blaise and Pansy.

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