according to you

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Hermione told her best friends, Ron and Harry about her relationship with Draco and they freaked out and stopped being friends with her. 8th year.

Readers pov:

"Oh look its Granger!" Ron snarled at Hermione as she walked past them in the great hall. This time she didn't ignore them and turned around ready to give them a talk.

"According to you, im stupid im useless, I cant do anything right!" Hermione said looking at the two boys she used to call friends in disgust, "According to you im difficult hard to please, forever changing my mind! Im a mess in a library, a bookworm. Cant be beautiful to save my life!"

"But you are! So ugly with that birds nest you call hair!" Harry said rolling his eyes, everyone in the great hall watching them argue. Everyone knew that Harry and Ron now bullied Hermione but nobody knew why.

"But according to him im beautiful, incredible. He cant get me out of his head!" Hermione shouted at them everyone confused, who was he? "According to him im funny, irresistible. Everything he ever wanted!"

"Im shocked that idiot hasn't broken up with your stupid ass, I know I broke up with in the first five minutes of dating you. You are so boring!" Ron spat at Hermione, except Hermione pushed Harry and Ron to the floor.

"But according to me you are stupid, useless. You cant do anything right!" Hermione said, them to scared to get off the floor, "According to you im boring and you cant take me anywhere but it doesn't matter because I have him. According to me and him im beautiful and I don't need stupid friends who cant treat me right. Stay on the floor, its where you belong!"

"You lost the best thing in the world to your enemy!" Draco said walking up and putting his arm around Hermione as they smiled at each other, "Hey beautiful, ready to leave?"

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