girl I want to know the truth

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Readers pov:

"Girl I want to know the truth, just so I can tell you whats on my mind!" Draco said walking right beside Hermione, attracting attention. Hermione gave him the cold shoulder not talking to him.

"Whats up ive been owling you, it seems like I cant get to you!" Draco said in a naggy tone.

"Draco I don't have time to discuss why Im not talking to you!" Hermione snapped at him surprising people.

"Lately ive been missing you, why won't you just talk to me!" Draco asked with a tone of sadness in his voice.

"I don't know how to tell Harry and Ron, ok!?" Hermione shouted turning her head to look at him, as she they walked in the corridor people staring at them. Draco stopped walking making Hermione stop 5 meters away and turn around to see whats up.

"Feels like im alone in this game for two!" Draco murmured as he looked down sadly. Hermione looked up realising how sad and lonely she's making him feel by not talking to him. She ran up to him hugged him and apologised like a million times in his ear.

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