didn't plug your headphones in...

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ok im not sure if this'll have dramione in it so im so sorry if it doesn't have any in it I cant be bothered to move stories lmfao.

Hermiones pov:

I plugged my headphones into my phone, I had a free period so I was heading to the courtyard to study as it was an extremely warm day today. I played s&m, it was a good song, okay?

Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me

As I walked down the hallways people kept looking at me and laughing or just staring at me weirdly. I shrugged it off thinking that they might not be looking at me...right?

"I didn't Granger had it in here!" Malfoy said laughing at me as he passed me in the hallway.

"I know right!" Blaise said walking next to Malfoy laughing equally as hard. Ok so everyone is definitely laughing at me and staring at me.

"Miss Granger? Please come here please!" Professor McGonagall stated, I gulped. What could this be about? Maybe it'll explain why people keep laughing or staring at me. I looked down at my phone to pause the song. I paused it but didn't see the headphones bar on the screen. I paled, that explains the weird looks.

"Hermione!!" Harry came running around the corner,"We finally found you!"

"Everyones been talking about you we came to tell you that your headphones weren't plugged in!" Ron panted out of breath from running around the castle trying to find me.

"Yep I know now..." I said on the verge of tears.

"Well thats the only reason I wanted to talk to you...Well now thats over, have a good day Miss Granger!" McGonagall said walking off.

"How many people know?" I said sighing.

"Everyone...Some people are even saying you are a stripper!" Harry said feeling extremely sorry for her me,"Its a good song though 'Mione don't worry about it!"

"You aren't a stripper though are you???" Ron asked concerned.

"No of course not!" I sighed sitting down on a bench as we walked outside.

"Uhhh Hermione I think you should know loads of people are calling you a slut as well..." Harry said to me awkwardly.

"Ugh!" I cried throwing my hands into my hair.

"But the slytherins think its cool and funny, so I guess thats a bonus point!" Ron said trying to make me feel better.

"Oh because that makes me feel so much better!" I snapped at him, I did feel quite bad since he's my best friend but im not in the mood to say sorry right now.

"YO GRANGER!" Pansy cried as she walked over to us.

"Ugh what do you want!" I cried.

"Well I was just asking you if you wanted to come to the Slytherin party tonight since ya know your music choice is like amazing!" She said sitting down next to me. I thought about going, I did seriously need to party after what happened today.

"Ok sure ill come!" I said happily.

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