play date

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Readers pov:

Hermione came around the corner with her two guy best friends and Ginny. She saw all the slytherins gather around Draco and Pansy. She knew what was coming and so did her friends. She knew he would cheat, why did she even get into this relationship. As they walked closer her friends came closer to her in a way of support. They kissed. Pansy and Draco kissed. She pushed the slytherins in her way, reaching Pansy and Draco. They two hadn't noticed her and continued to kiss. Hermione stepped on Parkinsons toes making her jump back and clutch onto her toes. Dracos eyes widened as he saw her girlfriend, soon to be ex. Hermione smiled in a sad smile.

"Hermione, it isn't what it looks like!" Draco said looking at her pleadingly. All the slytherins looked worried, they knew what the feisty Gryffindor was capable.

"Mione he isn't worth it!" Ron said as Hermione pulled her wand to his throat.

"I don't give a fuck about you anyways!" Hermione snapped as she pushed her wand harder into the slytherins throat, "Whoever said I give a shit about you?"

"I wish I never cared for you!" Hermione yelled at him, he started to whimper.

"I guess im just a play date to you..." Hermione looked down feeling tears threatening to spill. She lowered her wand.

"Come on Hermione, we have better things to do than worry about your cheating bitchy ass boyfriend!" Ginny said asking her to come back.

"I guess your right Gin!" Hermione said turning around to face her three friends smiling supportively at her. She turned back and give him a hard shove, making him fall into Blaise's arms.

"I guess I should ask you before I go, why wasn't I enough for you?" Hermione asked smiling before turning around and walking away with her friends. Her hair flicking in Dracos face as she turned.

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