switched tie

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Readers pov:

"Hey guys sorry I wasn't at lunch today I was in the library!" Hermione said as she sat down with the Gryffindors in potions, she was a little late.

"Uhhh-" Ron had no clue what to say.

"Hermione?" Neville said confused.

"Yes Neville?" Hermione said joyfully, she heard all the slytherins burst out laughing but thought nothing of it.

"Whats with the Slytherin tie?" Harry said looking at her tie.

"What do you mean?" Hermione said thinking he was joking.

"Well why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Neville asked joining in on the conversation. She looked down at her tie and paled. Draco had just walked in and went over to join the slytherins.

"Oh I see whats happening right now!" Ginny said as she burst out laughing. Hermione blushed trying to hide her face.

"What is happening right now?" Ron asked really confused.

"Well if you look over in the Slytherin direction you may be able to spot a certain Slytherin wearing a Gryffindor tie!" Ginny explained as she continued to laugh.

"Ginny!!!" Hermione said really annoyed that ginny had revealed it, well they were all going to know anyway. Red really does stand out in a crowd of green.


"Ugh please shut up potter, its bad enough being in the same class as you but having to listen to you is worse. You don't have to be a genius to figure out why they both have the opposite house tie on, im pretty sure Neville even knows why!" Pansy said making every slytherin laugh. Draco looked down at his tie and realised it was red and gold. Grimacing, he quickly took it off.

"Honestly dramione pretty cute ship!" Ginny said.

"What the fuck is dramione?" Blaise said still laughing at the fact that his best friend was shagging Hermione Granger.

"Im pretty sure its Dracos and Grangers names combined!" Daphene Greengrass said from beside her laughing best friend, pansy.

"Draco give me my tie and ill give you mine!" Hermione said as she got up at walked over to Draco.

"No!" Draco said smirking.

"What do you mean no!?" Hermione nearly shouted but didn't because she had respect and valued indoor voices.

"I mean you look good in green so I will put my spare on!" Draco said sitting down and pulling his spare Slytherin tie out of his bag and placing the red and golden tie into his back. Hermione just smiled and walked over to her chair.

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