'Hagrid you have to take him to Pomfrey'

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Readers pov:
"I think they're funny!" Hermione said to Ron and Harry.
"Oh yes terribly funny," Draco laughed although deep down he hated making fun of his girlfriend, "Really witty!"
"God this place has gone to the dogs, wait until my father hears that Dumbledore has got this oaf teaching classes!" Draco snapped making all the slytherins laugh.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry walking over to Malfoy, he heard Hermione mumble something like 'you don't want to do this draco' but thought nothing of it.

"You aren't dangerous at all are you!" Draco said walking over the the Hippogriff, "You great ugly brute!"
"MALFOY NO!" Hagrid said in his deep voice turning around. The hippogriff stood up and sliced Dracos arm.
"Buckbeak!" Hagrid said trying to calm her down, "You silly creature!"
"It's killed me, It's killed me!" Draco cried clutching his arm.
"Hagrid you have to take him to Pomfrey!" Hermione screamed running forward, "Draco are you alright?"
"No..." Draco mumbled still holding his arm.
"It'll be ok Draco," Hermione said calming Draco down by kissing his forehead.
"'Right I'll take him to the infirmary!" Hagrid said picking Malfoy up, Hermione following hagrid.
"Did Hermione just kiss Malfoy?" Harry asked making everyone start to gossip once Hagrid and Hermione was out of sight.
"Bloody hell...." Ron said in disbelief.

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