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In a situation were Draco is about to call Hermione a mudblood but Hermione stands up for herself.

Readers pov:

"How dare you say such words you filthy little mud-" Malfoy spat as he got cut off at the end.

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence, we all you know what you are going to say anyway!" Hermione yelled at Draco. Draco was shocked.

"Could you just leave me alone?" Hermione shouted at draco as her hands balled into fists.

"Go on 'Mione you tell him," Ginny murmured under her breath as she nodded her head at Blaise.

"You're obsessed just let me go!" Hermione screamed at Draco attracting more attention to the two.

"I'm sor-" Draco started but yet again got cut off as Hermione walked up to him.

"You're dead to me!" Hermione whispered into Draco's ear as all the colour drained from his face as he gulped. Hermione confidentially walked away, fast. Harry, Ron and Ginny scrambled after her. But as they were doing that Ginny murmured to Blaise,

"Step one done...."

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