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Draco pretended to love Hermione and made her fall in love with him during the summer before 7th year. Voldemort died when harry was a baby.

Readers pov:

Every student in Hogwarts crowded around two 7th years, one Slytherin and one Gryffindor. The two arguing, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.

"Oh shut up Granger!" Draco said smirking along with the slytherins.

"Once upon a time, a few a mistakes ago. I was in your sight and you got me alone, you were not rude," Hermione said her arms crossed everyone confused about what she was talking about except from the slytherins. Draco bragged about playing THE Hermione Granger to them the whole time they've been back.

"I guess you were a bad boy and I liked that," Hermione said smirking which made people even more confused, "And when I fell hard you continued to play me!"

"Thats right, you got played by me Mudblood!" Draco said to her face making all the Gryffindors tense, Hermione ignored him.

"You told me your plan after letting me fall harder and you took a step back," Hermione said her arms crossed, "Then you are long gone, off with your slytherin friends. You no longer besides me!"

"Then I realised the blame is on me, for letting an arrogant snake play me," Hermione shouted in his face drawing his wand. He started walking backwards terrified by the wand.

"I knew you were trouble when you walked in, the shame on me," Hermione said walking with her wand poking into his throat, "No apologises!"

"Then a few weeks later I saw the daily prophet. You and Parkinson together," Hermione said a dangerous look in her eye. One that could kill, that only scared Draco further, "The joke is on me!"

"Kissed me good night, took me on holidays ive never been. Took me on dates and loved me," Hermione said laughing, "Only to find out it was fake!"

"But now the jokes on you!" Hermione snarled at him, shoving her wand harder into his neck making him groan from pain. Her eyes were red from the potion her three best friends had given her. The potion made her take her Anger out on the person who made her angry, her friends knew she was angry at someone but didn't know who.

"Im sorry," Draco squeaked.

"What was that sorry?" Hermione said smirking, everyone shocked at how she was acting.

"Im sorry!" Draco shouted, hoping Hermione wouldn't punch him again. Hermione took her wand away, smirking.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Hermione asked smirking wider. Hermione kicked Dracos leg making him wince. Draco ran over to his slytherin friends, who were seriously thinking that Granger was slytherin worthy. She turned around everyone seeing her red eyes change back to brown. Hermione walked over to her friends, everyone silent still watching the head girl as she had just nearly killed the head boy.

"Right! Shall we go to lunch?" Hermione asked casually.

"YES!" Harry said impressed by her friend.

"We should go now!" Ron said kind of scared by Hermione at the moment.

"That was so badass mione, totally sexy!" Ginny said smirking at Hermione, feeling extremely happy. Hermione returned the smirk as they walked away.

~Meanwhile with the Slytherins~

"God, Grangers terrifying. New respect for her found!" Blaise said laughing with Theo.

"I mean did you really expect to play her then her not to hurt you in some way!" Pansy said joining along laughing with the two.

"Whatever guys...kind of hot though!" Draco said finding his smirk again.

"Totally!" Theo said laughing even harder.

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