Sorting hat

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Readers pov:

The sorting had started as Rose Weasley walked closer to the front of the line watching as Scorpius Malfoy just got sorted into slytherin. Without realising she had reached the front of the line and was being called up to the stool.

"Rose Weasley!" McGonagall said reading off her parchment.

She looked over at her mother (who was the DADA professor) and smiled who gave a toothy grin back for reassurance. She stepped up and sat down on the stool for the hat to be placed on her head. It was resting on her head for a second before it finally a spoke.

"Ahhh another Malfoy!" The sorting hat screamed confused everyone. Two professors Hermione Weasley and Draco Malfoy (he was the potions teacher) shot up confused. Everyone gasped.

"WHAT!" Rose screamed startling many.

"Better be....Gryffindor!" The sorting hat announced.

"There must be a mistake, im a weasley not a...Malfoy!" Rose said taking the hat off. Both Professor Malfoy and Weasley stood up.

"There is no mistake, the sorting hat is never wrong!" McGonagall said secretly smiling, she always shipped dramione, "Professor Weasley, Professor Malfoy and Rose please meet me in my office immediately!"

"I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED!" Ron shouted bolting in out of breathed, "Good job on being gryffindor by the way BUT the sorting hat called you a Malfoy!"

"Dad, how did you get here so fast?" Rose asked but got brushed off as he ran to Hermione.

"The sorting hat is wrong, right?" Ron asked hermione touching her shoulder.

"Professor said the hat is never wrong..." Hermione stated blushing looking down. She was a strong women, she would face her problems even if it was in front of every student she taught! She looked up.

"So you," Ron said changing his tone into a whisper, "Slept with Malfoy?"

"Kind of?" Hermione said scared.

"Ew im a malfoy?" Rose said sounding so revolted, "EW MY MUM SLEPT WITH A MALFOY!"

"Yo kid? Dont sound so revolted, im amazing you know?" Draco said rolling his eyes, kids get even more disrespectful every year!

"Is he better than me?" Ron asked.

"Do we have to talk about this now?" Hermione asked, "Also yes he is."


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