let go

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Draco looked at Hermione as they were cuddled up in his bed. They were in their eighth year and they were both heads. Being heads really brought them together and made them see the good in each other. They needed to be in classes by 9 am, their alarm went off at 7:30 so they had time to get dressed and eat breakfast but Draco has turned his alarm off the night before so he could give his princesses some more sleep.   

He looked at her perfect facial shape. Her beautiful, elegant curls that fell down onto her face as she slept. Her plump lips that he loved to kiss. Her body that fit perfectly with his when they hugged. Her personality. The way her gorgeous, brown eyes lit up everytime she smiled. How intelligent she was. Her straight, white teeth and her eyebrows. 

"I love you," Draco mumbled as he snuggled into her. 

"Morning love," Hermione said in her morning voice smiling at Draco. 

"Promise you won't let go of our love?" Draco murmured into her ear. 

"How could I ever let you go, Malfoy?" Hermione laughed as she looked her boyfriend. 

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