Ginnys spells!!!

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Readers pov:

Hermione fumbled through her suitcase she couldn't pull any outfits out except from a tight short skirt and crop top. She groaned, she knew this spell. One of Ginnys spells! She took the outfit out, she was starving she couldn't miss breakfast. She quickly put the outfit on, although she fumbled around with the skirt it was extremely hard to get on.

She walked into the great hall, great she was the last one in since it took forever to get the skirt on.

"GINNY WEASLEY I WILL KILL YOU!" Hermione screamed as she stomped over to the Gryffindor table. She hadn't even realised all of the boys staring at her. Malfoy even spilled his water, he was so shocked at her appearance. She actually looked hot and sexy.

"Hermione my spell worked!" Ginny squealed standing up and hugging her, everyone was watching the pair, "You look amazing, you should dress like that more often!"

"Im still mad at you!" Hermione sighed sitting down and eating breakfast.

"Does anyone know why Granger actually looks sexy?" Draco asked his slytherin friends as they passed the Gryffindor table, heading to their first class. Hermione smirked, her crush thought she looked sexy!

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