kisses and snowballs

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Readers pov: 

Kids ran around in the snow. Throwing snowballs, making snowmen and women, and generally having a great time.  It was nearly Christmas and most people were excited to go home in a few days to see family and friends. Children of all ages were around the Hogwarts grounds enjoying themselves, some with friends and some not. 

Draco towered over Hermione whilst he smiled at her. He looked down at the Slytherin scarf around her neck and the smile that was practically always shining on her face. Without thinking, he gave Hermione a little boop on her red nose before kissing her. It was almost like everybody else in the world had disappeared just like that. No one around them to disturb their perfect moment. Just snow falling and Christmas approaching every second. Like no wars, hate-crime and nasty crimes had ever happened. Like it was just them, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. 

A snowball hit them both straight in the cheek causing them to jump apart. 

"HEADSHOT!" Theo announced, "Nice one Blaise!" 

Blaise and Theo high-fived before picking up more snow. They formed snowballs getting ready to attack the couple. Hermione wiped the remaining snow off her cheek with her glove, she glanced at Draco. Draco looked at her. They both had that same look and they immediately understood each other. Revenge. Theo and Blaise won't know what hit them. 

"Alright, you love birds! We were just trying to have a snowball fight and you had to shove your 'happy couple' -ness right down our throats!" Ron said laughing, the Gryffindors had learned to forgive the Slytherins and accept that they were now apart of their lives because of Hermione and Draco. Keywords, almost and like. 

Hermione laughed before faking falling over. The whole gang ignored her and just returned to their snowball fight. Just what Hermione wanted. This gave her loads of time to make plenty of snowballs. She formed as much as she could without causing suspicion. She got up and handed Draco a few out of her pile. Draco nodded and smirked at her. 

The gang didn't see what hit them... 

Due to them being nearly buried in the snow because of Hermione and draco.

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