Dancing Queen

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Readers pov:

Hermione jumped up. Ginny, Harry, Ron, Neville and Luna laughing knowing what she was doing. Yep its time for Hermione to sing and dance along to abba.

"YOU CAN DANCE! YOU CAN JIVEEEEE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIVE!" Hermione scream/ sung jumping around laughing and smiling widely. Ron always used to be embarrassed but now he just embraced the fact how weird his best friend was and sometimes now dances with her. This time no one joined her but just laughed with her, Hermione thought this was strange since usually two of them dance with her but shrugged it off.

Digging the dancing queen

Hermione continued to dance, sing and laugh in time (kind of) with the music. The music slowed then completely stopped. Hermione panted out of breath giggling with everyone.

"So why did no one join in?" Hermione asked when she finally got her breath back.

"Well-" Harry started but got cut off by a voice.

"Nice moves granger!" Draco said laughing, Hermione spun around getting a wink from Draco.

"McGonagall! Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson!" Hermione cried her hand smacking her mouth.

"Hello Miss Granger I do also certainly enjoy abba as well." McGonagall said nodding at Hermione.

"Nice singing!" Pansy said making everyone laugh except Hermione.

"Well why are you here?" Ginny asked, "Not trying to be rude!"

"Just came to tell Granger that she has to do rounds on Sunday!" Blaise laughed as he said this.

"Maybe you can show me some of those moves tomorrow at my dorm Granger?" Draco said winking at Hermione who blushed.

"Ok...." Hermione said trying to not to blush or smile.

"Wait did Malfoy just ask Hermione out?" Ginny cried before screaming in joy, by this time Draco, Zabini and McGonagall had already left.

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