lingerie shop

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5 years after the war. <3

Readers pov:

Hermione held a dark green set of lingerie up, it looked nice. She didn't really have anyone to wear this for but she just wanted to feel sexy. She hadn't realised how long she had been holding it up for until an unexpected person came along.

"Nice lingerie, Granger!" A manly voice laughed from behind her, she knew that voice. She froze, dropping the underwear. She spun around to face the one only Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy!" She spoke quite loudly shocked by his sudden appearance. She'd have to admit he looked good, like really good, "What are you doing here?"

"Well I saw you come into this shop and I wanted to say hello, haven't seen you in a while!" Draco smirked as he looked to the lingerie now discarded onto the floor.

"Well hi, seriously you could have waited until I came out of this shop?" Hermione asked rolling her eyes.

"Just wanted to see what little miss bookworm was doing In this kind of shop!" Malfoy laughed as he picked up the lingerie and handed it to her, she scowled at him as she snatched it from him, "Green, what a nice colour!"

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