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Readers pov:

"FUCKKKKKKKK!" A female voice screamed from somewhere near the great hall making everyone in the great hall go silent at hearing the scream. Harry jumped up, he recognised that voice from anywhere, it was Hermiones. He ran to her leaving Ron kissing Lavender. 5 minutes later, everyone in the great hall heard screaming.

"HARRY WHY THE HELL WOULD IT BE RONS, HES WITH 'LAV-LAV'" The same female voice shouted, it was just revealed that the voice was Hermione. She wasn't in her chair and everyone was except from harry and her. Harry must of not been shouting like her.

"LOOK HARRY, NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE BUT YOU ARE NOT HELPING TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN. IM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL ME PARENTS THAT THEIR 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT?" Hermione yelled making everyone gasp, Hermione Granger pregnant at 16!? The professors looked around awkwardly, out of all the people at Hogwarts they thought Hermione would be last to get pregnant as a teen.

"Wow I have to see this!" Ginny laughed running to find Harry and Hermione.

"AND HOW THE HELL DO I TELL MY PARENTS THAT THE BABYS DAD IS OUR WORST ENEMY. DRACO FUCKING MALFOY!? HUH HOW DO I TELL THEM THAT, AFTER YEARS OF TELLING THEM ABOUT HOW MEAN HE IS I GO AND GET PREGNANT BY HIM?" Hermione yelled after Harry told her 'everything will be ok'. Everyone turned to stare at Draco making him panic, its his baby!?

"Uh so, you never told me about fucking granger?" Blaise laughed patting his best friend on the back. Draco ran out going to find his child and the baby momma. Ginny must have only just found Harry and Hermione and told them that everyone in the great hall could hear her screaming since you could no longer hear Hermione shouting.

"Ok wait we need confetti to make Granger more embarrassed about falling Pregnant with the slytherin prince's child!" Theo said standing up and tried to conjure some confetti.

"Mr Nott please stop, we don't want Miss Granger to be more embarrassed about everyone knowing about uh- her and Mr Malfoys uh- doings?" Dumbledore said awkwardly at the last bit.

"Ok im so confused they had sex but they hate each other?" Pansy said making everyone nod their heads in agreement, they still hated each other everyone knowing that from hermiones 'colourful' words.

"What da fuq is going on?" Ron said, his kind of bestfriend has malfoys child growing inside her.

"I wonder what they'll call the child if they decide on keeping it!" Luna said in her usual sing song voice, "I always knew they had something going on!"

"How the hell did this looney know but not me, DRACOS BEST MATE?" Blaise said shaking his head.

"Oh they awoke me when I was sleep walking at 6 am, I heard them talking about how they agreed to tell nobody and they were arguing about how Draco left a lot of love marks on Hermione!" Luna said smiling.

"Hermione said the hickeys on her neck were bruises, oops!" Neville said wavering it off noticing his mistake. Hermione came stomping into the great hall with Ginny and Harry laughing at her trailing behind. Draco came in next with a small smile on his face. Hermione sat on the Gryffindor bench putting a hand to her stomach, secretly happy she was pregnant. Yes it wasn't ideal being pregnant at this young but she had always wanted a baby.

"Hermiones agreed to call the Baby Scorpius!" Draco smirked.

"How the hell do you even know if its a boy or not?" Harry asked still confused.

"Malfoys first child are always boys!" Draco said smirking even wider.

"Correct me if im wrong but did you just call Granger, Hermione?" Daphene asked.

"I mean she's carrying my child Daphene," Draco said looking at the Greengrass girl, "Oh yeah forgot to mention she also agreed to marry me, so I guess the wedding soon? I don't know!"

"You forgot to mention that you and Granger are getting married?" Blaise said in a dangerously low voice, "HOW IN MERLIN DID YOU FORGOT TO MENTION THAT?"

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