Defending Malfoy

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I have no idea how they would all gather and talk/ argue about this so don't make fun of me lmao.

Readers pov:

"We are all gathered here today due to Draco Malfoy's case!" Kingsley said into his wand which caused it to come out extremely loud.

"Shall Mr Malfoy be sent to Azkaban he well be escorted out by dementors!" Kingley Shaklebolt's voice echoed around the room.

"Today we have Hermione Granger defending Mr Malfoys side!"

"And we have Jade Rose defending the opposite!"

"So shall we go over Mr Malfoys case!"

"Mr Malfoy became a death eater when he was in 6th year, many believe he was forced!" Kingsley proceeded.

"Disarmed Dumbledore before he was murdered!"

"Mr Malfoy has never murdered/ used an unforgivable curse upon anyone!"

"Although he was a death eater he was believed to throw many curses to several death eaters which now adds to his innocence!"

"Ok shall we start Miss Granger!" Kingsley calmly said as Hermione rose out of her chair.

"Mr Malfoy threw Mr potters wand to him when he was thought to be dead which then resulted in Voldemort dying which now proves he was most certainly on the light side!" Hermione said as she walked around to the front of her table.

"We have looked into Ma- Mr Malfoys Pensieve and we could see that Voldemort was going to kill his mother and father if he didn't become a death eater which means he was forced!" Hermione said as she nodded her head to Kingsley showing she was done with her first point.

"Ok that is a very good argument may we now have Mrs Rose speak!" Shaklebolt said as he turned his head to Jade.

"Ok this may be true but how do we know that Mr Malfoy and everyone included in the Pensieve didn't fake it just to make sure Mr Malfoy wouldn't be let off all charges after the war?" Jade said as Hermione looked at her in disgust.

Hermione suddenly stood up and started to talk loudly but not shout as she was respectful, "I am disgusted that you could even think that Mr Malfoy could be truly on the dark side! He may have picked on people when he was younger but he was just a boy! Guess what? People make mistakes! Mr Malfoy is not evil and its-" She was suddenly cut off as ginny stood up.

"I mean seriously you should listen to Hermione, Hermione would not be defending Malfo- sorry Mr Malfoy if she didn't believe he was innocent!"

"Please sit down Mrs Potter!" Shaklebolt said as she slowly sat down rolling her eyes!"

Draco was in awe at how everyone who used to hate him were suddenly defending him!

"I mean come on she's HERMIONE GRANGER people, SMARTEST WITCH OF HER AGE. She is NOT dumb!" Ronald Weasley said as Hermione and Draco both tried to hide a smile, Draco managed to hide it as he's had to mask up his feelings for years in front his family.

"I cant believe im saying this right now but potterette and weaslebee and only speaking facts right now!" Pansy said as she pulled Blaise up with her. They had both been proved innocent in the past few days. (harry and ginny got married)

"Come on Kinsley sorry Mr shaklebolt I cant believe we even have to argue for Malfoy he's obviously innocent!" Harry Potter said as he also stood up as Ginny stood back up.

"Draco is innocent, the nargles are above his head right now and that means he's innocent!" Luna said in her usual sing song voice as she stood up. Draco grinned.

"I knew I was going to say this at the end and I feel so proud that former enemies at school are now defending each other! DRACO MALFOY IS INNOCENT!"Kingsley Shaklebolt announced.

Everyone stood up and cheered.

"I told you, you'd be ok!" Hermione said as he faced him grinning!

"Thank you so much Granger!" Draco said as his eyes became teary. He suddenly jumped over to and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back with as much passion.

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