Soulmates touch, part 2

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okay okay so im going to be honest im not in my harry potter phase anymore which is why i decided it was the end for this book buttt i saw some people requesting a part 2 for this oneshot and an idea popped into my head sooo here i am! 

small shoutout to myself real quick, if you are also into the mcyt fandom I do have a few dnf books. ignore this if you have no idea what 'dnf' is :D

Hermione stood in front of the mirror in the hallway of her house. She was looking at herself, making sure she was presentable enough for work. She tried to sort out the fizziness but it was useless, she huffed and gave up. This would have to do. She smiled confidently, was she trying to convince others or herself? 

"Hey, love." 

"Draco! Merlin, you scared me," Hermione said breathing out and placing a small hand on her chest as she felt strong arms around her waist. 

"Sorry!" Draco said smiling and cracking a laugh, Hermione joined in on the small laughter. 

"Look, I really have to get to work," Hermione said looking down at his arms. 

"Why can't you stay home? We can put on that thing on the tv, the thing you really like!" Draco tried to reason knowing it wouldn't work. 

"I wish I could stay home and watch Disney movies with you but you know I can't," Hermione said sighing as she held the bag resting on her arm. Draco looked down before kissing her. Looking down at her hand, he smiled. 

"You aren't covering it up today?" Draco asked holding up her hand that lay her new engagement ring and the red mark. God that punch had hurt. 

"Well I was thinking and we are getting married soon. As well as I shouldn't be ashamed of my mark or feel as if I should have to cover it up because I love you. I love the mark and I am proud it!" Hermione said. Spells had not worked on it when she had tried in her third year. She often giggled to herself as she reflected on how mad and confused her younger self had been when she paced around the library trying to figure out different spells. It had only hit her once she was out of hogwarts that she should use muggle items such as foundation. 

"You amaze me everyday, I love you way more than you'll ever know," Draco sighed looking at the beautiful, amazing woman that he was lucky enough to be with. Hermione kissed him before looking down at her watch and widening her eyes. 

"I have to be off! Love you," Hermione said before running over to the fireplace, "Oh and by the way we will be watching more Disney not Marvel when I get home." 

Hermione yelled her destination and she was gone. Draco ran over to the couch, he was on a quidditch team but training had not be on for the past week. Thank god it was Friday, it meant Draco could spend all weekend with his soon-to-be Wife with no disruptions. 

HOLY SHIT THIS IS CRAZY!! 200K READS! wow thank you all so much <33

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