whats your type mione?

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Readers pov:

"Truth or dare Granger?" Blaise said.

"Truth!" Hermione said after thinking about it for 10 seconds.

"Tell us your type and who you mean by it!" Blaise said handing her the fire whiskey with Veritasium in it. She gulped it down.

"Uh ok well blonde and grey eyes!" Hermione said looking down at her lap. They all laughed as Hermione always said she wouldn't date a blonde.

"Ok who do you mean by that?" Harry asked kind of knowing her answer. Hermione fidgeted confirming his suspicions.

"Uh well," The Veritasium was slowly wearing off, "Draco and Luna!"

"But mostly Draco!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Nice! I always knew you had a crush on me!" Draco said high fiving Pansy.

"Hey I never said I have a crush on you! I don't have a crush on Luna or you I just think you are both really hot!" Hermione said the Veritasium still affecting her, "Im straight anyway!"

"Thank you Hermione, I think you are really pretty as well!" Luna said in her usual sing-song dreamy voice.

"Shocker, I always got bi vibes of you mione!" Ron said laughing.

"Im not bi, I am straight! The Veritasium is still affecting me for some reason!" Hermione rolled her eyes.

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