made to kiss

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readers POV:

Ginny drowned the drink in her red cup before flipping it over. She chuckled reading what was on it.
"Make a Gryffindor and Slytherin kiss," She said reading off the bottom of the cup. They were playing drinking games in the heads dorms. Draco's room was on the right whilst hermione's was on the left. All the Slytherins and Gryffindors had forgiven each other. Hermione and Draco may have forgiven each other but they were neither friends or acquaintances.  Hermione gave Draco a death glare as she felt him kick her. Ginny saw this and something clicked.
"Perfect," Ginny purred smirking, "Draco and Hermione must kiss!"
"There is no way in Merlin I would ever ever kiss that beaver faced bookworm!" Draco shouted dramatically as Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Do not flatter yourself Malloy, why would I want to kiss a ferret?!" Hermione threw back, glaring at him, "This is a disaster, why would you do this Ginevra!"
"Let's be real, you and Malloy are the only people in this group who aren't friends. It just makes sense, now get it over with Mione." Harry said as he downed his fire whiskey.
"Harry, I thought you would defend me besides I will never ever kiss him so we should get onto the next on-" Hermione said going off into a rant but getting cut off by a certain ferret kissing her lips. Her eyes widened not believing it. She tried to pull back but felt she just couldn't. She closed her eyes as Draco put his hands on her hips. Maybe they could forgive each other properly after all....

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