Kiss Me..

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Most of these one shots in their '8th' year. Draco and Hermione are heads. <3

Hermiones pov:

Ginny had told me that I needed to have more fun so I agreed but I seriously didn't think she meant like this. She had told me to try seduce Malfoy. gross.....but not the worst idea. Ginny seriously has a mind of her own. Sometimes I seriously don't think she lives on earth. I had an idea of how to do this. I had just got out of the shower and 'accidentally' left my school clothes in my room. I walked out of bathroom in just my towel wrapped around me. My heart started to pound as my nervous started to rise. I had about 15 minutes to get this over with then I had to get to class. Im only doing this for ginny. Im only doing this for ginny. Im only doing this for ginny. I walked over the 'L' shape sofa and sat down right next to Malfoy. He turned his head slightly to see why I had sat next to him. His eyes widened as he realised I was only in a towel. I placed my hand on his thigh as he whipped his head around to me.

"Kiss me, kiss me," I murmured softly.

"Wh-what?" He questioned as his words got stuck in his throat. I moved my lips to his earlobe.

"Take me, take me!" I whispered before biting his earlobe. His breathing quickened.

"Infect me with your poison, I want to be a victim!" I quietly cried into his ear before moving away. He was completely still as he stared at the fireplace.

"I have just made Draco Malfoy speechless!" I announced as I got up and wandered to my room. But before I went inside I winked.

Ginny was right that was fun.

omg im laughing so hard rn. I just reread this after writing it and omfg this is so cringey and funny at the same time....IEFOHWEOFIHWBVCWHFJEWEJFJ

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