I know that you love me

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Readers pov:

"I know that you love you me, granger admit it!" Draco Malfoy said smirking along with the slytherins (Theo, Blaise, Daphene, Pansy and Astoria) standing behind him.

"Piss off Malfoy!" Harry said as him and Ron ran to Hermiones side knowing she was under veritasium thanks to Ginny.

"Not so friendly today!" Blaise said laughing with the slytherins.

"Give me all your love and don't stop!" Hermione said looking at Draco seriously making all the slytherins confused.

"Wait what? Am I missing something?" Astoria asked.

"Nope, Ginny put her under veritasium and it should wear off in 2 minutes," Ron said awkwardly.

"I want your love," Hermione says taking a step towards Draco, biting her lip.

"That took an amazing turn!" Theo said smiling and laughing.

"I want your love to," Draco said leaning in and kissing Hermione making 2/3rds of the golden trio smile. They may not like the slytherins but they wanted their best friend to be happy.

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