it'll be alright

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Readers pov:

Draco slid down the shelf of books in the library his friends sitting at a table. He bawled his eyes out not caring if his friends thought he was an idiot or that he was a coward. Blaise walked over crouching down to his level.

"I know you love but its over mate, its never easy to walk away!" Blaise said putting his hand on the boys shoulder.

"But its not the fact that Hermione kissed him yesterday, its the feeling of betrayal that I cant shake. And my mum tells me I should walk away but I just want to stay!" Draco said his hands on his forehead.

"Let her go, we'll be with you to help you Draco. Every step of the way we will be there to support you emotionally. Its what friends are for!" Pansy said sitting down next to Draco putting her arm over Draco in a friendly way.

"Its going to hurt for a bit of time but in the future it'll be alright. You'll find someone new who makes you happy if not happier!" Theo said smiling at his best friend.

"B-but shes the one, no ones ever made me happier," Draco cried sniffling.

"Look Draco!" Pansy whispered to him. He lifted his head eyes meeting with Hermione. Hermione had tears silently dripping from her face.

"Im sorry Draco..." Hermione whispered. Draco stood up extremely quickly running to her and picking her up. He spun her around kissing her and showering her with affection.

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