what do you want granger?

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Readers pov:

"What do you want granger?" Draco said as Hermione came closer to Draco, Blaise and Pansy.

"Look I just came her to tell you something!" Hermione said as she stood tall in front of the trio.

"Go away you filthy little mudblood!" Pansy said as she rolled her eyes at the girl.

"Okay I will after I say this-" She said before getting cut off.

"Ugh we don't care-" Blaise said but got cut off by Hermione.

"Im pregnant!" Hermione blurted out.

"What? Are you joking?" Draco said his eyes wide in fear.

"Im not joking Malfoy. I don't joke about these things!" Hermione said freaking out she clutched her stomach.

"Wait, how the fuck did you get granger pregnant?" Blaise said his mouth wide open, Pansy was frozen.

"Its a long story mate!" Draco said ushering him to shut up.

"So are we keeping it?" Draco asked hiding the fact that he was happy.

"I want to keep the baby draco and I want you to be in the babies life!" Hermione said smiling.

"Oh my merlin this is amazing!" Draco said spinning Hermione around, she squealed.

"Okay this is confusing, you have to tell me how and why you are together!" Pansy finally spoke up, secretly glad they were together. She would no longer have to act like a slut that loves Draco and she was very happy for her best friend.

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