You cant marry her

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Readers pov:

Ron walked up the back of the great hall where the professors table is at dinner. He was gonna do it tonight.

"Uh- could Hermione Granger please come up here please?" Ron shouted getting everyones attention. She stood up extremely confused and shrugged as Draco shot her a confused look. She reached him and asked whats going on. He didn't say anything and got on one knee. She looked at Harry for help he just shrugged as he didn't know whats going on.

"Hermione Jean Granger I have known you since we were 11 and we are know 17 and I have fallen in love with you and I know we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend but I feel that we should just skip that stage and just go ahead. I know you love me back which is why I am here today asking this question!" He said pulling a ring out of his pocket and presenting it, "Hermione Jean Granger would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"I- Ronald I don't know what to say!" Hermione said stuttering as everyone in the great hall had theirs eyes on the pair. Harry had spat his pumpkin juice out in shock and Ginny had laughed making everyone look at her.

"Just say yes 'Mione!" Ron said hopefully.

"She cant marry you weaslebee!" Draco said laughing shocking everyone in the great hall except Blaise, Pansy and Ginny.

"And why not and you don't control Hermiones life!" Ron said arguing with him.

"You didn't let me finish Weasley!" He said rolling his eyes at his rudeness, "You cant marry her because I am her boyfriend!"

"I- w-what!?" Ron said as everyone gasped.

"Draco is my boyfriend, Ronald, he's been my boyfriend for about 7 months. We didn't want to tell anyone because well because we thought no one would take it well!" Hermione said scared and nervous. She felt incredibly bad because of how embarrassed Ron must be feeling, "I really am sorry Ron if im making you embarrassed right now!"

"I-it's ok," He scratched the back on the neck before Draco slung his arm around Hermione as Hermione snuggled closer to him. He bit his lip, he hated seeing them together and it stung him deeply but if Hermione is happy then he is as well, "Well I hope you are Mal- Draco have a great relationship.

"Thank you so much for understanding Ron!" Hermione smiled at him taking Dracos hand in hers. He smiled sadly although she did not realise the sadness in his smile.

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